Womens Health Solutions

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Estrogen and Your Emotions

Do you feel like you’re constantly in a “brain fog?

Do you constantly forget things like where you put
your keys? Whether you turned off your toaster oven
before you left the house? Stuff that drives you
crazy because you can't quite remember.

Most women worry about getting Alzheimer’s disease
as they enter into menopause. As far as I can see
from observing thousands of women, and reviewing
the research, there is no direct link between
Alzheimer’s and menopause. Initally, women feel
better if they go on estrogen replacement therapy,
but there is no conclusive evidence that estrogen
works on a woman’s brain in a detrimental way.

I do believe...
... that there is a direct link between
lack of sleep and stress than there is about estrogen
loss. When sleepless nights become the norm, its time
to get focused on alleviating this challenge.
Otherwise, crankiness, irritability, and even depression
can set it. This does not make a happy, calm peaceful
homelife and can certainly wreak havoc on relationships!

Your body needs rest to repair and heal itself from
the busy, stressful day. Sleeping at least seven to
eight hours every night is imperative, since this allows
your body to rejuvenate itself. I list 15 Steps to Sleep
in my book: 100 Answers to Menopause that will help you
get your sleep and destress.

Bottom line, you need to get a good night’s rest to
help you remember your activities for the next day.

Until next time,
Dr. Judy

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