Womens Health Solutions

Friday, December 29, 2006

Menopause Discomforts

A patient came into my office one day complaining about
her stomach. She certainly wasn't the only one. Many of
my menopausal patients have this happen to them.
Here's one particular case that stands out:

"It seems like I always have heartburn or a bloated
stomach after every meal. I feel like a watermelon
and all my clothes feel tight. I don’t even feel like
eating anything. What can I do?"

Heartburn and indigestion are frequently common
during peri-menopause and menopause. “Inhaling”
your food when you’re in a hurry or eating when
you’re stressed causes your stomach to be overworked.

Also, eating late at night, especially hi carb foods will
cause that feeling throughout the next day.

During your menopausal years, it becomes even
more difficult for your body to break down nutrients
from the foods you eat. Everything beging going into
slow mode, including your digestive juices.

A few tips here:
~ Eat nothing after 6:00pm (for me personally, I eat
nothing after 4:00 but if I get hungry I might have
a grapefruit or apple)

~ Eat fresh pineapple with your meal or drink lots
of peppermint tea, spearmint, or ginger tea throughout
the day - like 2-3 cups.

~ Take a high potency digestive enzyme before every
meal. This helps break down your foods so you don't feel
like the bloats are going to squeeze you out of your pants!

Until next time,
Dr. Judy

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