Womens Health Solutions

Friday, September 29, 2006

Drinking 2 Beers for Your Hot Flashes

Nancy (name has been changed to protect the guilty!),
complained constantly of chronic fatigue, low back aches,
joint pain, constipation, and hot flashes. She tried eating
well, but when she did, she got sick!

Her worst complaint was that she could never sleep
all night. She would either have problems falling
asleep, or wake up at two or three a.m.

She heard from a friend that drinking two cans of
beer a night would help her sleep better.

Believe it or not, it worked! She did sleep better!
I couldn't believe it so I asked her how her other
symptoms were coming along.

She said that although she was sleeping better,
her other symptoms had gotten worse! Her hot
flashes were now coming every 30 minutes, her
joints ached non-stop, and she felt even
more tired by the afternoon.

My advice - stop listening to others! Tune into
your body and realize that your menopausal
symptoms can be alleviated once and for all by
eliminating spicy foods and alcohol.

Until next time,
Dr. Judy

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