Womens Health Solutions

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

How Premarin came to ruin Womens Health

..so back to Robert Wilson (would have loved to meet him in a dark alley!)...
He thought that the estrogen therapy would keep women young, healthy,
sexy and keep our you know what from shriveling up!

Remember, it was Wyeth and Ayerst that funded him. Once they saw
how huge his success was from his book promotion, they went on to
develop Premarin (which most of you know by now is made from
pregnant horse urine).

Due to excellent marketing campaigns, premarin became the fifth
leading prescription drug of America!

Women take note! We have been exploited mightily! If it were not
for the Womens Health Initiative stopping the study, we might still
be in the dark about the effects of Hormone Replacement Therapy.
Study and question every angle about the medicalization of meno-

Understand that while it is a natural occurence in your life, the
symptoms are not! You don't have to continue suffering. You
don't have to worry about getting breast cancer, uterine cancer,
heart attacks, or strokes. There are many, many options now
available to you that can balance your hormones naturally.

Do your homework, stay tuned to my blog, and reap the

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