Womens Health Solutions

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

How it all began...

It all began when I was 37 years old. I started expriencing irregular bleeding and thought...
"No way! This can't be happening". As a naturopathic physician, a million 'what if's' flashed through my mind. What if its...

So I took a trip to Minnesota (I was living in Wisconsin at the time) and decided to spend some time with my mentor, Dr. MaryAnne McNeilus, MD. She had taught me so much about physician care, I felt it was time for some patient care for me! She gave me good news and some bad news.
Since Dr. McNeilus was never one to mince words she gave it to me short and sweet.

"Yes, you are probably in peri-menopause. With all the recent trauma in your life - nasty divorce, children turning from me, and car accidents, it can upset your hormonal balance and bring on menopausal symptoms early".

But she recommended that by staying on the right health course she had taught me over the years, I should be over peri-menopause and into menopause with smooth sailing.

Four years and many, many hot flashes, mood swings, extra fat cells, and sleepless nights later.... I was STILL waiting fot the smooth transition! I guies I was not one of the lucky ones. I didn't give up however, not by a long shot! I dug in my heals and searched the country, clinics, vitamin manufacturers, and other doctors looking for answers. After much trial and error - and I do mean much trial and error - I was able to find the right program to make the menopause transition smoothly not only for myself, but for thousands of other women.

I'll be sharing with you all of my information, tips, and resources that I have gathered, so stay tuned and check back often. Tell your friends as well so they can stop suffering as well!

Cooly (not warmly! :)
- Dr. Judy

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